What is Eagle’s Nest?

Eagle’s Nest is a collaborative program of the Duluth YMCA and Duluth Edison Charter Schools, formally known as Kid’s Club, offered at North Star Academy and Raleigh Academy. The philosophy of the program is to offer a safe and engaging out-of-school time program that complements the school day and creates an enriching environment that fosters positive youth development and academic success.

To fit the developmental requirements, cultural background and characteristics of each child, Eagle’s Nest makes provisions and plans for a caring, compassionate and challenging environment, positive group experiences, curriculum and behavioral expectations, freedom for individual choice and a program that helps meet the health, safety and nutritional needs of each child.

What is Eagle’s Nest’s purpose?

We (as school age professionals and as caring adults) recognize that today’s complex world presents many challenges for students and the adults who care for them. We seek to offer an environment in which children can grow to the best of their abilities, one which taps their creativity and strengths and allows them to excel. Representatives from the school and YMCA work together to develop a collective set of standards which provide a baseline of quality, the reassurance that all OST programs are committed to providing each child with a unique growing and learning experience, and guide the way for future program development.

Where is Eagle’s Nest located?

Eagle’s Nest can be found in North Star Academy serving Kindergarten-6th grades students. Eagle’s Nest care is also provided at Raleigh academy serving Kindergarten-5th grade students. The Duluth Y’s Summer Day Camp is offered at North Star Academy. It is not Eagle’s Nest and the programming will be mainly outdoors.

What are the hours?

During the regular school days, NorthStar Academy runs Monday-Friday before school from 6:30 a.m. – 8:35 a.m. and afterschool from 3:45 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Raleigh Academy’s program runs Monday-Friday from 2:45 p.m. -6:00 p.m. On select break days, the program runs from 6:30 a.m. -6:00 p.m. at North Star Academy with an additional fee of $45/day for each child. On half days, program is open at Raleigh and North Star Academy with an additional fee of $25/day for each child.

What does a typical day look like?

Each site may look a little different, but we all uphold the DECS code of conduct throughout our programming of “Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible.”

Check-in, Snack and Physical RecreationHealthy snack, outside play, physical fitness
Brain Time Activities/ClubsAcademic enrichment activities, social emotional learning, and clubs based on student interest
Choice Time, check-outOpportunity to choose from a variety of activities, free art exploration, and games

What is the cost?

Half Day$25/day/child
Full Day$45/day/child

Raleigh Academy School Year Program: A $35.00 per child registration fee is applied annually. Fees are due with completed registration materials and are non-refundable. August and June fees will be prorated based on the number of program days during those months. Full day care is not an option at Raleigh, but families can utilize programming at North Star.

1-2 days per week$63/month/child
3 days per week$92/month/child
4-5 days per week$144/month/child
Half Day$25/day/child

How do I register and pay for Eagle’s Nest?

To register and log in, visit duluthymca.org/register and select “Eagle’s Nest Community Learning Centers.” All families will have to complete all registration forms and fees before child can begin at the program.

All bills will be emailed out on the 15th of each month for the next month or programming. All payments are due prior to service on the 1st day of the month. If you are not paid in full by the 25th of the month of service, we will email you a reminder that your child will not be able to come starting the first day of the next month unless your bill is paid in full.

It is required that fees are paid through an automatic payment system. Families can set up payments with a credit card or bank account when registering online for the program. Families can choose weekly or monthly payment schedules. Cash and checks will not be accepted at the program site.

Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Families:

Please register using the online registration system found at duluthymca.org/register. You will receive a bill at the beginning of every month. The bill will reflect all periods of service that we have received payment on from the county. All CCAP families must fill out a “CCAP Payment Agreement”.

What if I have additional questions regarding billing and registration?

Please contact the financial office at AR@duluthymca.org or 218-722-4745 x140.

Financial assistance is available for qualifying families.  Please contact the registration and billing office for details.

What if I have additional questions about the program?

Please contact Kate Corbett, Program Director at kcorbett@duluthymca.org or 218-722-4745 x124.