The job of the Health Office is to promote Health and Safety Services for our Edison students. We work in partnership with parents, families, teachers, staff and medical providers to support our students in doing and feeling their best in school. We follow guidance from evidence-based practices as recommended by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), along with local and regional health agencies to guide our practice. Our Edison schools are staffed daily with a trained Health Aide or Registered Nurse and are overseen by a District Nurse (RN) to:
- Provide first aid
- Provide prescribed health procedures
- Coordinate and provide vision and hearing screenings
- Monitor Immunization Compliance
- Manage students with chronic health conditions
- Maintain student health records
- Evaluate and support student need for special services
Parents and guardians are responsible for providing up-to-date health information for their students at the beginning of the school year. This includes, but is not limited to, immunization updates, information regarding allergies, medication needed at school to manage chronic conditions and any other requested forms required for participation in school activities.
If your student is injured or there is an emergency, a Health Office staff will call parents/guardians to make necessary arrangements. If the parent/guardian or other designated emergency contacts cannot be reached in an urgent situation, 911 may be called.