What is Eagle’s Nest?
Eagle’s Nest is a collaborative program of the Duluth YMCA and Duluth Edison Charter Schools, formerly known as Kid’s Club, offered at North Star Academy and Raleigh Academy. The philosophy of the program is to offer a safe and engaging out-of-school time program that complements the school day. Eagle’s Nest creates an enriching environment that fosters positive youth development and academic success.
To fit the developmental requirements, cultural background and characteristics of each child, Eagle’s Nest makes provisions and plans for a caring, compassionate and challenging environment, positive group experiences, curriculum and behavioral expectations, freedom for individual choice and a program that helps meet the health, safety and nutritional needs of each child.
Eagle’s Nest Fact Sheet
What if I have additional questions regarding billing and registration?
Please contact the financial office at AR@duluthymca.org or 218-722-4745 x140.
Financial assistance is available for qualifying families. Please contact the registration and billing office for details.
What if I have additional questions about the program?
Please contact Kate Corbett, Program Director, at kcorbett@duluthymca.org or 218-722-4745 x124.