The Biomonitoring team at MDH shares these environmental health resources with partners (public health, districts) to then share with their community and some are translated into many languages. They also offer to connect partners with these programs to get specific resources sent to them. 

Toxic Free Kids program

Skin lightening info sheets

Lead brochure order form

Fish consumption guidance

Choose Safe Places

Healthy Kids chemical information sheets and other information

Children and families
Stable families are a cornerstone of a strong Minnesota. The Minnesota Department of Human Services helps keep children safe and provides families with support to care for their children. This includes child protection services, out-of-home care, permanent homes for children, child support, food assistance programs, child care services and children’s mental health services.

Economic Assistance Department of Human Services (DHS)  offers economic support for eligible families as they work, look for work or attend school.

Health Care Keeping Minnesota’s families and children healthy is critical to our state’s success.

Services Department of Human Services (DHS) provides services to help children and families pursue the opportunity to reach their highest potential.

Applying for Medical Assistance and MN Care FAQs about the application process for Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare.